UGANDA   13 Days

This itinerary takes you to one of the most amazing countries of the world. The journey brings you to Uganda’s best National Parks— Murchison Falls, Kibale, Queen Elizabeth, Bwindi, and Lake Mburo National Park(s).

Leading travel company Lonely Planet describes Uganda.... "Uganda packs a lot into one small country. It's home to Africa's tallest mountain range (the Rwenzoris), the source of the Nile, the world's longest river and the continent's largest lake. But the country's most iconic experience is tracking mountain gorillas in their misty habitat. And if you view the Big Five, you'll see that nature – diverse and resplendent – looms large here."


  • Uganda is a difficult country to navigate on your own. Independent travelers face a lot of inconveniences.

  • To make your safari adventure hassle-free, we highly recommend choosing a tour operator rather than organizing everything yourself. We suggest referring to Bradt Uganda and Lonely Planet Uganda travel guides. These guides provide comprehensive information and recommendations on tour operators that can cater to your needs and ensure a enjoyable safari experience.

  • Uganda Wildlife Authority website is a excellent resource of information.

  • <Researching your Gorilla adventure>

  • Uganda is a safe country to visit, but opportunistic crimes do occur – just like any other country.

  • Make sure a quality dust-free bag always protects your camera. You will be driving on unpaved roads, dust easily gets into your jeep and may damage your camera.

  • The itinerary below will provide visitors a example of the key attractions.

Before you go:


“Must see” National Parks in Uganda.

  • Uganda has Up-market safari lodges, tented camps and hotels all providing world-class accommodations. Rooms have proper beds with mattresses and duvets, en suite (attached, in room) flush toilets, basins and showers with hot and cold running water. Other amenities include mosquito netting, lamps, purified water, insect repellent, flashlights, wardrobes, and ethnic furnishingsItem description.

  • Breakfast or brunch: You can expect anything from omelets to continental breakfast, typically served with toast, sausage, pastries, cold meat, coffee, and tea. Cereals, fruits, bread, eggs, and cheese are also very common.

    Lunch: Lunches are served picnic style in the middle of your game drive. Sometimes, guides also take you back to the lodge or camp for a hearty meal before going on an afternoon drive. Food is usually composed of sandwiches and fruits.

    ● High tea: Before setting off to your late afternoon game drive, afternoon snacks may be provided.

    ● Sundowners: You can enjoy alcoholic beverages basically wine and beer.

    Dinner: Prepared at the lodge or camp, dinner usually consist of three courses: soup, mains, and dessert. Butternut soup and vegetable curry are very common. A variety of meat, fish and pasta dishes served with assorted vegetables and sauces is always available.

    ● Drinks: Range from from water to coffee and tea to wine and beer. Bottled water is always available.

  • Animal attacks are definitely on people’s mind when travelling to safari areas for the first time or at anytime.

    On safari you will, most likely, come into very close proximity to potentially very powerful and dangerous wild creatures.

    Serious injury caused by large animals when out on safari is relatively RARE, but it does happen. The chances of being involved in such an incident are around 1 in 80,000, which is very low.

    The most dangerous large animals are elephants and hippos.

    The highest levels of risk are usually encountered when out on walking safari.


DAY 1   

  • When you arrive at Entebbe airport, a tour operator representative will meet you to start your adventure and bring you to your accommodations.

  • During your trip, you'll be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape, go on exciting game drives, take boat safari cruises, and interact with friendly local people.

  • It's important to note that Entebbe, the city where the airport is located, is best known for a significant event in history. In 1976, an Air France flight was hijacked, and 100 hostages were kidnapped by a militant group.

  • Overnight: Entebbe, <where to stay>

Why visit Uganda ?

DAY 2 

  • Your journey will take you to Murchison Falls National Park located in northwest Uganda. This wildlife reserve is known for its namesake attraction, Murchison Falls, where the Nile River flows through a narrow gap and drops dramatically.

    • The park is mostly made up of savannah grasslands, woodlands, and wetlands, which provide a diverse habitat for a wide range of animal species.

  • Paraa is a location within Murchison Falls Park's tourism hub. It's an important location because all the park's access roads converge here, making it a central point for visitors to begin their journey. <Route>

    • Many of the park's activities, such as lodges, game drives, launch trips, & nature walks, also begin from the Paraa region.

      • Additionally, Paraa is the largest wildlife reserve in Uganda, offering visitors a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of animal species in their natural habitat.

  • Diversion: On your way to Paraa, it's recommended that you make a quick stop at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. 

    • It's the only place in Uganda where you can see rhinos in the wild, making it a unique and worthwhile experience.

  • Overnight: Paraa accommodations, (3 nights)

    • Paraa Safari Lodge is highly recommended for its amenities and proximity to the park's tourism hub. 

  • Distance:

    • Entebbe ---> Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, 3.5 hrs.

      Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary.---> Paraa, 3 hrs.

Map of Murchison Park


  • Explore Murchison Fall National Park, along with a boat ride to the Falls.

  • The highlight is visiting “Murchison Falls” a point along the Nile, where the Nile River forces its way through a narrow gorge 8 meters wide.

  • In addition, hiking trails are available at the Falls.

  • Game drives:

    • What is a game drive? A game drive is an adventure that entails viewing wildlife in the comfort of a 4×4 open-sided safari vehicle that accommodates 4 to 8 people, a sure way to give you that classical safari feeling.

    • Each game drive takes around 3 hours. Expect to see elephant, buffalo, giraffe, many exotic birds and more.

    • Morning game drive begin at 6-6:30 am.

    • Afternoon game drive begin at 2-3 pm.

    • Evening drive start at 7 pm.

  • Overnight: Paraa


The boat leaves Paraa to the Albert delta. Here you have a chance of spotting the rare Shoebill. The delta forms a shallow area that is important for water birds, especially the shoebill, pelicans, darters and various heron species.

<Learn More>


  • The day begins with a lively boat ride on the Nile River toward Lake Albert.

  • Trips usually last five (5) hours. You will see an abundant amount of birds and wildlife including hippos and crocodiles.

  • Later enjoy a afternoon game drive in the Paraa region.

  • Overnight: Paraa



  • Depart to Kibale Forest to trek the chimpanzees.

  • The scenic drive offers a captivating experience that spans across various towns, allowing you to witness the diverse culture and way of life of the local people.

    —As you journey from town to town, take in the breathtaking sights, such as the stunning views of Lake Albert and the majestic Rwenzori Mountains. Notably, the Rwenzori Mountains boast six of Africa's ten tallest peaks, making them an impressive and awe-inspiring natural wonder to behold.

  • Overnight: Fort Portal. (2 nights)

  • <Where to stay>

  • Distance:  Paraa ---> Fort Portal, 8.5 hrs./ 380 km.

The local village with a special treat performing for the the tourists that come by frequently.


DAY 6 

  • Kibale Forest, situated within Kibale National Park is a evergreen forest known for its rich variety of primates. <location>

    • The most renowned are the chimpanzees, considered our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. Embarking on a Chimp Trek in Kibale Forest is an incredibly rewarding adventure and an experience not to be missed.

  • The guided Chimp Trek takes 5 to 6 hours. Sometimes you will see many chimpanzees and sometimes a few. The Chimp trek is fast paced due to the constant movement of the chimpanzees. Being in good physical condition is a benefit when you’re trying to keep up with the chimps.

  • Advance booking is all-important during peak season, arranged by your tour operator.

  • Overnight: Fort Portal.

What are Chimpanzees?


  • Travel to Queen Elizabeth National Park. <map> Arrive by early afternoon.

    • The Park is undoubtedly Uganda’s most famous national park. The beautiful lakes, extensive savanna, the natural forests and fertile swamps makes it the best place to view big game.

  • Besides the remarkable wildlife attraction, Queen Elizabeth Park also boasts a heritage/culture history. Tourists can opt to visit the local villages which are entertaining in terms of local music and cultural dances.

  • Overnight: Queen Elizabeth Park. (2 nights), Mweya Safari Lodge suggested.

  • Distance:  Fort Portal ---> Queen Elizabeth Park, 2.5 hrs.



Points of Interests


  • A thrilling day in Queen Elizabeth Park including game drives.

  • A excellent boat cruise is offered and takes 2 to 3 hours while traversing the waters. The boat trip is done on the impressive Kazinga Channel a 40 km water long natural channel.

  • Overnight: Queen Elizabeth Park.


  • Queen Elizabeth Park, more highlights:

  • Explore Kyambura Gorge for one more opportunity to trek the chimpanzees. (Trek lasts 3-4 hrs.)

    —The Kyambura Gorge is a outstanding area for  trekking chimps. These primates can be seen maneuvering around the forest hoping from one tree to another.

  • Afterwards, continue your journey to the Ishasha Sector where you can witness the famous tree-climbing lions of Uganda. This unique phenomenon can only be seen in Ishasha, making it a must-visit destination. Additionally, Ishasha is known for its peaceful & less-crowded environment, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the wilderness during your evening game drive.

  • Overnight: Ishasha Wilderness camp is recommended.

  • Distance:

    Queen Elizabeth Park ---> Ishasha camp, 4 hrs.


Learn more about Bwindi Park

DAY 10

  • Journey to Bwindi National Park (Gorilla Trekking).

    • A lengthy day, with drive time of 7 to 8 hrs. <Learn more>

  • The scenic route to Bwindi National Park is often referred as the "Switzerland of Africa". You will pass through mountains, green hills, lakes with cultivated terraces, tea farms, bamboo forest and tropical rainforest.

  • Gorilla permits must be made at least 6 months in advance.

    • It is best to allow the Tour operator to handle the reservation process.

  • Overnight: Bwindi area. (2 nights)

  • Distance:  Ishasha ---> Bwindi Park, 7 hrs.



  • Early morning check-in and briefing.

  • The guided trek can be short ( 1 hr. ) or long (5 hrs.) before the gorillas are spotted. 

  • Good physical condition is recommended.   

  • You will spend one (1) hour maximum with the Gorillas.

  • Best time to visit the gorillas is during the country's two dry seasons: December through February and from June to August.



  • GAITERS - proven very useful when you accidentally step on a safari ant colony. These ants can quickly climb up your legs. We recommend gaiters to be worn over your pants. <Where to buy>

  • BOOTS – are essential. A good quality pair of hiking boots from a outdoor sporting store will serve you well.

  • GLOVES – during the trek you might be grabbing trees, branches and vines, and your hands can get scratched if you’re not careful. Many trees have prickers. Pack a tough pair of gardening gloves.

  • LIGHT RAIN JACKET – Bwindi is a tropical rainforest, and there’s a good chance of rain almost all year-round. Pack a lightweight poncho or rain jacket that you can roll up in your bag and bring out if necessary.

  • ENERGY SNACKS – the trek to the mountain gorillas can be tough. Energy snacks like nuts, dried fruit, chocolate or power bars are a great idea.

  • WATER - use water bottles while you’re in Uganda. You’ll need to drink a lot of water during the trek.

  • LONG PANTS AND LONG SLEEVE SHIRT– it’s best not to expose too much skin during the jungle trek and remember to tuck your trousers into your socks – Beware and alert of safari ants.



  DAY 12 

  • Depart to Lake Mburo National Park.  <Map>

  • The park is located close to Kampala, making it easily accessible for visitors. This park offers a range of activities, including a boat cruise on Lake Mburo, game drives, and bird watching.

  • What makes Lake Mburo Park unique is that it is the only national park in Uganda where you can see Impalas, as well as Zebras, which are also found in the remote Kidepo Valley.

  • Overnight: Mihingo Lodge recommended.

  • Distance: Bwindi ---> Lake Mburo. 6 hrs.


DAY 13 

  • Depart to Entebbe for your flight home. 

  • During your journey, make a stop at Masaka to take a memorable photo at the Equator.

  • Once you reach Entebbe, you have the option to either catch your evening flight back home or stay overnight and depart the following day. 

  • Overnight: depends on your flight schedule.

  • Distance: Lake Mburo ---> Entebbe, 4 to 5 hrs.


Average cost:


$$$ USD per person:

Budget: $4,200

Moderate: $5,200

Luxury: $6,800 +


      Historical Weather Data.

  • Most rainfall (rainy season) is seen in March, April, May and November.

  • The warmest month is January.

  • The coolest months are July and August.

  • April is the wettest month.

  • December, July and August are best times to visit the Gorillas.

  • Sunrise/Sunset times.


sources: global travel publishers,,  safari
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