The View Points on the trail at Victoria Falls:

  1. Devil's Cataract & Livingstone's Statue – Dr. David Livingstone is reputed to be the first European to see the Victoria Falls.

2. The “Chain Walk” – this leads down into the gorge where one gets an excellent view of Devils Cataract and Cataract Island.

3. to 7. Devil's Cataract & Main Falls – you will find many types of bird life as well as flora and fauna.

  • 6. Viewpoint 6 – best spot for views of Devil's Cataract.

  • 7. Viewpoint 7 – provides the best views of the Main falls. 

8. Main Falls – when the river is in flood there is very little to see but torrents of spray.

9. to 12.  – Main Falls/Livingstone Island/Horseshoe Falls.

11. Viewpoint 11 – provides wet views of Livingstone Island and Rainbow Falls. 

14. Rainbow Falls – here is the highest point of the Falls.

15. Danger Point — this part of the trail leads along the cliff edge.

16. Boiling Pot – here one can look down into the turbulent waters.

Bridge Viewpoint – here you can view the Victoria Falls Bridge, linking Zimbabwe and Zambia.